Annable's Genealogical Register

Family Tree Order Form

If you have not already done so, please refer to our Family Tree Selection Center

Your Name: E-Mail:
Address: Tree Name*: __-__-__-__-__-__-__-__*
City, St, Zip Tree Style:

* When selecting a name for your tree, please consider the file name that will be attached. Because we will be using this as a file name, we ask that you select eight (8) letters, or less, that most favorably represents your Family Tree Name. If there are more than eight letters in your name, then shorten it in what manner you please. If your name is "Brown," and you want your tree identified in this manner, then specify that the tree name should be "brown." This will effect the URL that you may use to identify your tree or locate it. You may use this URL as your own web site or link it to your existing web site. If we use the example, "brown," then your URL will be:

If you are interested in obtaining your own web site for family history, we suggest Tripod. They have an excellent Homepage Builder for those skilled in HTML programming or for those who have no experience at all. You may also contact us for information at

Print this form or reproduce the information desired when you make your order.

Submit this form with your family tree information so that we may be able to process it more efficiently.

The information we are seeking for each person on your tree is:
Date and place of birth:
Date and place of marriage:
Date and place of death: If you desire not to reveal your own birth, etc., then you may leave that blank.

Send This Order Form to:

Ed Annable
PO Box 186
Cypress, IL 62923